Hey friend, I’m Hana. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering where your money vanished to (yet again), you’re in the right place.

Like you, I’ve got ADHD, and for years – let’s be real, decades – my finances were a perfect storm of mounting credit card bills, impulsive purchases of thing I convinced myself were needs instead of wants, and well-intentioned budgets that lasted about as long as my attention span.

Traditional money advice and more unconventional methods have all been tried and mostly failed, but with just enough wins to make me think I kinda maybe sorta figured it out. Except I didn’t. My ADHD brain and traditional money advice were like oil and water – they just didn’t mix. These were all short-term fixes at best, not the massive leaps forward in my financial reality that I’ve been banging-my-head-against-the-wall ready for.

When I got diagnosed with ADHD in my late 30s, my financial struggles finally made sense. Especially the fact that despite matter my most sincere intentions and wholehearted attempts to “be better”, it felt like I couldn’t get better.

For those of us with ADHD, our money struggles are not due to a lack of willpower or speak to some sort of secret character flaw. Our money struggles boil down to challenges with executive function and literally the way our brain is structured. So all the financial workarounds in the world won’t actually work until we address that root cause of our struggles in the first place – our ADHD brain.

Our ADHD brain is not inferior, malformed, lesser than, or less intelligent than a neurotypical brain. It’s simply what we’ve got to work with.

The bulk of financial advice out there is built for people without ADHD; these are the people for whom executive function presents little to no issue, have higher levels of dopamine in general, and don’t have certain parts of their brain hyper- or under-active. Then the financial advice for those with ADHD, while more geared towards the way our brain functions, really only offer how to manage the symptoms of ADHD expression.

That’s when I had my lightbulb moment: what if instead of just managing the symptoms, we address the root cause? Since our ADHD struggles are due to the fact our brains are shaped and structured differently, then it makes sense to start there when it comes to implementing fixes or remedies of any kind. The choices that I make are a direct result of my ADHD brain – and these include my financial choices.

After I made this connection between my financial choices and my ADHD brain, I was excited to finally find the solutions I’ve been looking for. And guess what: I couldn’t find anything that talked about ADHD and money management in this way. All I could find were those workaround that I mentioned, and even resources that talked about ADHD brain health, but I could find nothing that connected the dots in the same way that I did.

So The ADHD Money Guide was born. Basically I’m making the resource that I needed, and sincerely hoping that you get some value out of it too.

Here at The ADHD Money Guide, we believe in optimizing our brain health and metabolic function to set ourselves up for success in managing ADHD symptoms. By starting in the brain and body, we’re giving ourselves the best chance to let those ADHD workarounds actually work – to let them finally stick, and to let real change finally take place. We’re managing our ADHD from the inside out.

What sets The ADHD Money Guide apart is our focus on the intersection of brain health, ADHD management, and financial strategies. We don’t just offer tips and tricks; we provide a comprehensive approach to financial wellness that considers the whole person behind the wallet.

My goal is simple: transform how ADHD brains handle money. When an ADHD brain optimizes for wealth, it unlocks potential beyond money. It builds confidence, reduces stress, and opens doors to dreams once thought impossible. I want to help as many people as possible heal their relationship with money, reduce financial stress, and build the financial future they deserve.

My work bridges the gap between brain health and financial health. It’s practical. It’s powerful. It’s life-changing. I do this because financial struggle isn’t just about money – it’s about lost opportunities and unfulfilled potential. By helping one person, I create a ripple effect that can impact families, communities, and beyond.

I do this because I’ve lived it. ADHD nearly derailed my life. Financial chaos, missed opportunities, constant stress. I felt broken, like my brain was sabotaging my future. But I discovered that when I optimized my brain health, everything changed. My finances improved, yes, but more than that – I found hope.

Now I’m on a mission to light that same path for others. Because no one with ADHD should feel trapped by their own mind. No one should miss out on their dreams because they can’t manage their money. Every person I help isn’t just a win for them – it’s a win for everyone their life touches.

I do this because I know, firsthand, the life-changing power of an ADHD brain firing on all cylinders. And I believe a world with more empowered, financially stable ADHD minds is a world with more innovation, creativity, and positive change.

This isn’t just about money. It’s about freedom. Fulfillment. Living our healthiest lives possible. And doing so in a way that actually feels good. Whether you’re here because you’re struggling with impulse spending, drowning in debt, or simply looking for financial strategies that don’t make your ADHD brain want to run for the hills, you’re in the right place.

Ready to start your ADHD journey to financial confidence? LFG.

Your friend,

Hana Lee Goldin

P.S. I’m as impressed as you are with yourself that you read this far. 👏 Your ADHD attention span deserves a reward. Why not treat it to our newsletter? Subscribe below.